Author name: Reetta Ilomaki

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Virtual Culture: Tips

Most places, which offer culture experiences, have had to close down for now due to the Corona outbreak. Luckily, many museums, orchestras and websites offer a lot of different culture online. See a list with culture tips from Finland and the Netherlands collected by the embassy staff members. Tips from Finland Concerts • Finnish Radio

Virtual Culture: Tips Read More »

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Family leave reform aims to improve the wellbeing of families and to increase gender equality

The reform of parental allowances has created a model for further preparation. The model guarantees the child a place at the centre of family benefits and promotes wellbeing and gender equality, says Aino-Kaisa Pekonen, Minister of Social Affairs and Health. Click here for a full article!

Family leave reform aims to improve the wellbeing of families and to increase gender equality Read More »

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Finland attracts record number of foreign tourists

“Tourists from abroad chalked up more than seven million overnight stays in Finland in 2019. International overnight stays in Finland increased by 2.9 per cent year-on-year in 2019, netting a total of 483 million euros for accommodation establishments. This represents an eight-per cent uptick on the previous year’s figure. Europe remains Finland’s most important tourism

Finland attracts record number of foreign tourists Read More »

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