Jenni Ryynänen
I on Image
“I have been a member of the Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce since 2017. I am a small solopreneur at my own image consulting business, I on Image, and have enjoyed my membership a lot. I have expanded my network through the FDCC events and met many interesting people. Some of them have become my clients or readers of my blog. For a small business this type of support network is really important, and I am thankful for all the opportunities I have gained through my membership at FDCC. Here’s to another successful year together!”

Harold Bussing
“As Kone is one of the main Finnish companies also operating in the Netherlands, we see it as our obligation to support initiatives of Finnish-Dutch collaboration. This is why Kone has already for quite some time been a proud patron member to the FDCC. We are very honoured for having organised more than once a Welcome Event for a new Ambassador at our premises in the Hague.”

Laura Dib
Trademill Finland
“Networking is really important for a small business like ours. At the FDCC, we can meet other like-minded companies in a friendly and informal setting.”

Lari Lempinen
“I want to thank the Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce for the great start together. We organised an online event about the trends in the event industry with one Dutch expert and in cooperation with the other Nordic Chambers of Commerce. It was a great start, and I cannot wait to see all of our fellow members live as well.”

Camilla Mattsson
“I moved (back) to the Netherlands in 2019 and joined the FDCC shortly after. It is the third time I live here, and I find FDCC a great base for myself to ‘reset’ at and meet kindle spirits. The activities arranged are many so one can always find something suitable. At the end of the year the independence party and Christmas bazaars are a must for all countrymen, especially if you do not make it ‘home’ for the holidays. The events during the year are great places to meet new people, whether you want to make new friends or investigate new business opportunities, and of course not only for Finnish people, but for everyone with a link to our beautiful high-tech country. I can sincerely recommend it to anyone who is curious to join!”

René Köhler
Scandinavian Seasons
“I was honored to become a board member of the FDCC in 2014. For me it was a great opportunity to learn more about other companies, my own company and myself. Being an entrepreneur, I believe it is important to have a closer look at other companies, branches, customer groups, employees, philosophies, and organisations, as we learn by doing. It is not easy to find a network that is willing to share as much if there is no shared interests – after all, we’re all in the same boat. That is exactly what makes the FDCC attractive! It is about business, but also about shared emotions and passion for both countries, people and culture.”

Hanneke Bergsma
Hanneke. Communication and PR
“I joined the FDCC business trip to Helsinki in September 2019. This was the third opportunity for me via Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce for sharing experiences, knowledge and interests with other international entrepreneurs in Helsinki. This time the theme of our company visits was transformation to sustainability and digitalization. We visited Maria 01 (previous this building was a hospital) with her mobility start-up companies, Accountor (accountancy), Huone (organizer in inspirational events) and HRM Partners. We also attended presentations of Hesburger (burger company), Touchpoint (sustainable work clothing) and Sulapac (supplier in sustainable plastics). All the well-organized FDCC business trips to Helsinki will inspire every entrepreneur and will show a lot of business opportunities!”

Mervi Leveelahti
“What a great opportunity for networking and sharing experiences, knowledge and interests with experts of different industries. And still all having something in common. Grateful for the possibility to join these well-organised events and hope to be able to experience something similar again in the near future.”