Trademill Masterclasses – Secrets of Market Entry 1/3


International competitiveness and growth across borders are crucial not only for larger corporates, abut also for SMEs. However, the companies where the future growth potential lies, may often have scarce resources and limited experience or skills. Many do not know where to start, how to proceed and or where to acquire external support.

We at Trademill /Skipred have been helping Finnish SME companies for more than 15 years to enter the Dutch markets.  We are familiar with the typical pitfalls, we identify the secret sauce for success, and we have insights on how to ease up the market entry processes.

As a FDCC patron member, we are now happy to share some of our knowledge and experience in three consequent masterclasses. We also invite people from our network to share their insights; our partners, customers and colleagues.


The masterclasses are built especially for small and medium sized companies in mind; SMEs that are looking for international growth. As both Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Trademilll/Skipred –team work for bilateral business relations between Finland and The Netherlands, the Masterclasses will handle examples and invite guests especially from these countries. The registration is open for both FDCC members and non-members.


The series follow the market entry process of most SMEs. Each Masterclass takes about 1 – 1,5 hours during which TradeMill team will introduce you first to the theme, after which we deepen into sub topics with interviews with selected guest speakers, and Q&A session.


1/3 Assessing your readiness 20.08.2020 @13:00 (CET) / @14:00 (Finnish time)

2/3 Validating the market 10.09.2020 @13:00 (CET) / @14:00 (Finnish time)

3/3 Building sustainable growth 01.10.2020 @13:00 (CET) / @14:00 (Finnish time)


Our first session ASSESSING YOUR READINESS focuses on planning phase. We for example answer to the following questions:

Internationalisation -why should you be interested?

What resources do you need to internationalize?

How can you plan for the international growth?

How to avoid typical pitfalls?

How do you choose the next market?

What about the culture of your target market – Why should you care?



12:50/13:50   Webinar registration open – guidelines

13:00/14:00    Welcome and introduction to the Masterclasses, FDCC & TradeMill

13:05/14:05    Importance of Internationalisation – Opening words

                      Timo Vuori, Central Chamber of Commerce Finland

13:10/14:10    Are you ready for International markets? –introduction to the theme

                      Petra Wullings, Trademill/ Marc Wullings, Skipred

13:30/14:30    Make your own international growth plan, with Erkki Tuomi, Pro Growth

13:50/14:50    What do we mean by culture, and why does it matter? with Egbert Schram, CEO Hofstede Insights

14:10/15:10     Q & A

14:25/15:25   Closing the webinar



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