FDCC’s June Afterwork drinks

FDCC’s next vrijmibo is here! Join us to start the summer with a casual networking event where to meet old friends as well as new acquaintances. Avecs are warmly welcomed. This will be the last afterwork event before the holiday season so make sure to register! 

For those who are not yet familiar with it, vrijmibo is an informal occasion to celebrate the end of the work week with drinks and snacks. The term vrijmibo comes from the words “vrijdagmiddag” (Friday afternoon) and “borrel” (informal meetup). FDCC wants to be a part of this great piece of Dutch tradition, and therefore, we are organising our own vrijmibo on the first Friday of every second month. 

This afterwork event will be held on Friday, June 7th, in Amsterdam, starting at 18:00 at Café Mulder, one of the oldest Bruine Cafés in Amsterdam. If the Dutch summer weather allows, we will enjoy the evening on their large terrace. 

Our afterwork events are free and open for everyone. We are happy to serve the first drink for free to our members. Please make sure to register via this link.

Date: June 7th

Time: Starting from 18:00

Location: Café Mulder, Weteringschans 163, 1017 XD Amsterdam

Picture: Café Mulder


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