Nokia 5G

Nokia ranked 1st in 5G patents

The independent analyst firm PA Consulting has ranked Nokia as number one in 5G patents. The result is based on PA Consulting’s technical analysis of the 5G patent landscape and investigation whether the patents are truly essential to the 5G standard. Nokia has been previously ranked as number one in 5G Essential Standard Patents by the same firm in 2019.

Jenni Lukander, President of Nokia Technology, states that it is good to also assess the quality of patents, in addition to looking at the number of patents. Lukander says that the findings of this study reflect the contributions Nokia makes to developing industry standards, and their investment in R&D.

In 5G standardisation, Nokia is one of the most active contributors and drivers of key features. Nokia’s 5G patent portfolio consists of 20,000 patent families and over 3,500 of them are declared essential to 5G.

Read more here.

Photo: Nokia

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