The Netherlands and Finland – a perfect business match scaled

The Netherlands and Finland – a perfect business match

Save the date November 23rd for the The Netherlands and Finland – a perfect business match – event held in Neste’s headquarter in Espoo, Finland (address: Keilaranta 21).  The event starts at 14.00 hours and ends at 17.00 hours.


13:30 Coffee and Registration
14:00 Welcoming words
Mr. Patrice van der, Heiden, General Manager – Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce
14:05 Why Finland is important for the Netherlands?
H.E. Mr. Govert Jan Bijl de Vroe, Ambassador – Embassy of the Netherlands, Helsinki
14:20 Finnish Business in the Netherlands – Bilateral trade and relations
H.E. Ms. Päivi Kaukoranta (virtual) Ambassador – Embassy of Finland, The Hague
14:35 Cross-border opportunities for Dutch, Nordic and Baltic businesses
Ms. Margot Roose, Business Development Baltics & Finland – Embassy of the Netherlands, Tallinn, 
14:50 How to set up business in the Netherlands
Mr. Rutger de Graaf (virtual), Director – The Netherlands Point of Entry
15:05 Team Finland for you – in Finland and abroad
Mr. Juha Markkanen, Team Finland Ambassador – Ministry for Foreign Affairs
15:20 Finnvera promoting Finnish exports and SMEs.
Ms. Liisa Tolvanen, Senior Adviser – Finnvera
15:30 Coffee break
15:40 Cultural differences in doing business
Mr. Egbert Schram, Group CEO – Hofstede Insights
15:55 Finnish success stories in the Netherlands
Mr. Matti Lehmus, Executive Vice President – Neste’s Renewables Platform
Mr. Joe Hamari, CSO – Smartvatten
Mr. Antti Känsälä, CEO – Yeply
16:25 Basis for internationalisation
Ms. Laura Dib, Senior Consultant – Trademill
16:40 Discussion
16:55 Closing of the event
Mr. Patrice van der Heiden



Pictures from the event:





Nov 23 2021


14:00 - 17:00
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