More focus, more profit – webinar with Silta Education

The FDCC is pleased to host a webinar together with Silta Education and the Embassy of Finland in the Netherlands on May 16th from 17:00 to 18:00 (CET). Our keynote speakers Veera Virintie and Johanna Vilmi will address the importance of focus. Join us and learn how to improve your focus and productivity!

Juggling many things at the same time? Finding it hard to focus? In brain work, the ability to focus is your biggest competitive advantage. Only 12,5 hours of a 40-hour work week are currently effective work time. The habit of constantly jumping from one task to another decreases productivity by 40 %, causing chronic stress and impairing memory and intelligence.

The good news is that focus is a skill you can and need to train. In this webinar, we offer you inspirational and easy-to-apply tools from recent neuroscience to improve your focus, motivation, and productivity. Taking care of your brain and learning to affect your brain chemistry in favour of focus will improve your bottom-line results.

The speakers of the webinar are Veera Virintie, neuroscientist, and Johanna Vilmi, psychologist. Virintie and Vilmi have, together with their team, developed an award-winning Focus Tiger program that’s been proven to improve focus. Focus Tiger has been researched at the University of Helsinki and is used by thousands of brain workers internationally.

The webinar is free and open to everyone. Register now for the event here to receive the link to the webinar!


May 16 2024


17:00 - 18:00
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