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Ines Vaittinen Workshop

Welcome to join the workshop on virtual facilitation organized by one of our members, Ines Vaittinen. 

The interactive session will provide some insights to the different digital tools available, how these can be used to split participants into different teams or working groups during the session (as often done in physical workshops), how to collect ideas, how to prepare and report on a session, etc.

Currently, we’re all in a situation where the use of digital tools for communications have become an essential part of our daily lives and while many of us have experience in using these tools (skype, webex or zoom, for example) to host standard meetings and gatherings, the need has risen to also host more interactive and engaging sessions in a virtual setting that foster active participation and knowledge exchange. In my daily work before covid-19 I was often facilitating interactive workshops in a physical settings where we aim to engage all participants, ideating and brainstorming together by following various methodologies using whiteboards, post-its and colourful pens among a myriad of different techniques. Today, the question is how to foster a creative atmosphere online where all participants are invited to exchange in a virtual workshop setting?

In this workshop I am going to share my learnings on virtual interactive workshop facilitation through a hands-on approach: hosting an interactive workshop session online, where you as participants are invited to contribute with your ideas, experiences and knowledge on virtual meeting environments. I will present some information on the research that I have done and best practices I have found, but more importantly, the real purpose of this workshop is to guide you as participants through an interactive online methodology where each participant contributes with their own ideas. The session will provide some insights to the different digital tools available, how these can be used to split participants into different teams or working groups during the session (as often done in physical workshops), how to collect ideas, how to prepare and report on a session, etc.

This session will involve active participation from all who attend. Are you interested in the topic, but don’t have the time to participate in the hands-on exercises? Please let us know, and we can share a report of the event afterwards!

Time: 18.00-19.30 CET

If you would like to sign-up to actively participate in the workshop, sign-up by sending an email to

And an answer to the question “What are the (virtual facilitation) needs that you’re looking to solve by attending this virtual facilitation workshop?” Think about why you are attending, and let us know, so that we can prepare the session to fit your needs!


Jun 11 2020


18:00 - 19:30
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