FDCC Afterwork: Future of Work
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The world of work is changing fast, and the question in everyone’s minds is how to keep up with constantly shifting job roles and titles, and what kind of skills are needed in the future to stay competitive. To guide our way through the jungle of scenarios futurist Timo Mashiyi-Veikkola shared his vision and scenarios of the future. Timo has an extensive background in looking at socio-cultural trends and turning them into future strategies from companies such as Dell Computers and Nokia. He currently works as a strategist and consultant in Amsterdam.
On the 25th of January FDCC organized an afterwork event in Amsterdam to celebrate the new year.
Anthropologist, sociologist and future researcher Timo Mashiyi-Veikkola shared his views on what is to come; the co-existence of humans and machines, project-based work communities, hyper-urbanization and active local communities were some of the topics in addition to the cooperation of different generations, importance of interpersonal skills and the transition to a no-collar era. According to Timo, values are accentuated in professional choices in the future and purposeful leadership is increasingly important.
Later Timo turned from speaker into chef and thus showed the possibilities of career combinations and changes in the future. The evening continued with delicious food and drinks. Those who were not able to participate in the event are recommended to visit the restaurant at Kinkerstraat 24 in Amsterdam to experience the cozy atmosphere themselves!