Partners of Finnish-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (FDCC)
1. Definition and purpose
Partners of the Finnish-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as “Partners” and “FDCC”) are organizations or entities recognized in the Partner section of the FDCC website. Being a Partner signifies a mutually beneficial relationship aimed at fostering collaboration, strengthening the ties between the Finnish and Dutch business communities, and promoting broader Nordic cooperation. This partnership reflects a commitment to advancing professional connections not only between Finland and the Netherlands but also across the Nordic region.
2. Rights and privileges of Partners
2.1 Partners are entitled to the following benefits:
- Representatives and paying members of Partner organizations may participate free of charge in joint events organized by the Partner and the FDCC unless otherwise mutually agreed.
- Representatives and paying members of Partner organizations are eligible to participate in all other FDCC events at a 50% discount on the standard participation fee.
- Interns affiliated with Partner organizations are entitled to participate in all FDCC events free of charge.
Partners shall be acknowledged on the FDCC website and in relevant publications as contributors to the chamber’s mission of promoting Finnish-Dutch business relations.
3. Limitations of Partner status
3.1 Partners do not possess voting rights in the FDCC General Assembly or any decision-making processes of the association. Voting rights are reserved exclusively for paying FDCC members in accordance with the FDCC statutes.
3.2 Partner status does not grant membership in the FDCC. It is a distinct category designed to facilitate collaboration and engagement with the FDCC.
4. Obligations
Partners are expected to actively promote the activities of the FDCC and maintain a commitment to the shared goals of fostering Finnish-Dutch business collaboration and Nordic collaboration.
5. Confidentiality and use of branding
Partners may use the FDCC logo and name for co-branded events or activities only with prior written approval from the FDCC Board. Both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared during the partnership.
6. Financial obligations
The specific terms of this contribution shall be defined on a case-by-case basis.
7. Termination of Partner status
5.1 Partner status may be terminated by either party with written notice, subject to any conditions outlined in the partnership agreement.
5.2 FDCC reserves the right to revoke Partner status if the Partner acts in a manner detrimental to the mission or reputation of the FDCC.
8. Amendments to the Partner status
6.1 These guidelines may be amended by the FDCC Board of Directors in accordance with the procedures outlined in the statutes of the association.
9. Duration of Partner status
Partner status is continuous unless terminated by either party with written notice. Any changes to the terms of the partnership will be communicated in advance and mutually agreed upon.
10. Dispute resolution
Any disputes arising from this partnership shall be resolved amicably through consultation. In the event of a disagreement that cannot be resolved, the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the applicable laws of The Netherlands.